Category: Sober living

  • Chapter 10: CNS Depressants Drugs and Behavior

    Almost all the major organs that make up a human’s physiological being are dramatically affected by the overconsumption of alcohol. There is an enormous overall economic explainer how do drugs work cost that is paid for alcohol abuse all over the world. Drinking can be harmful to anyone, regardless of their susceptibility to alcohol misuse…

  • Alcohol use disorder Symptoms and causes

    This can contribute to the hypothesis that alcohol is more addicting for some individuals than others. Moreover, binge drinking also releases “negative chemicals”, such as cortisol. For instance, some people with alcohol use disorder might push away friends and family and quit participating in activities and events. They might also have financial or legal…

  • Can I Detox From Meth At Home? Remedies for Meth Withdrawal

    Exchanging excessive exercise for meth, then, could be trading one addiction or compulsion for another. Professional assistance can help people detox from meth and determine why people use it instead of encouraging additional dangerous dependencies. Finally, if people are addicted to meth and are trying to detox, they might be more prone to addictions and…

  • Effects of Peer Pressure: How It Affects the Workplace

    Social media offers opportunities for adolescents and adults alike to instill and/or experience pressure every day. Studies of social networks examine connections between members of social groups, including their use of social media, to better understand mechanisms such as information which of the following is a type of indirect peer pressure? sharing and peer sanctioning.…

  • Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms: Severities & Timelines

    There are elements of the developing brain that make adolescents more susceptible to TikTok addiction. They are undergoing a critical developmental period that involves creating and maintaining interpersonal relationships and seeking outside approval to build their identities. Following particular accounts, clicking on posts, and liking them prompts TikTok’s algorithm to populate a user’s feed (“For…

  • More than Skin Deep: Addiction Recovery Tattoos

    It’s a reminder, calming tattoo, not of the suffering, but of the resilience it took to beat the demon. Designed to be visible, like a proud badge of honor, these tattoos often find their spot on the neck, bicep, forearm, or wrist. Countless support groups, institutions, and courageous individuals tirelessly offer their support. Rather, they’re…

  • Recovery from Addiction

    Healthcare professionals offer AUD care in more settings than just specialty addiction programs. Addiction physicians and therapists in solo or group practices can also provide flexible outpatient care. These and other outpatient options may reduce stigma and other barriers to treatment. Telehealth specialty services and online support groups, for example, can allow people to maintain…

  • Sobriety and Recovery: Success Stories of Public Figures

    As soon as I drank, I became a different person. That, to me, was freedom – but it later became prison. Maybe the most striking part of Patrick’s personality is his acute self-awareness. Alcohol & Romantic Relationships: Reflections & Advice from Oar’s Ambassadors Don describes feeling as though he has finally seen the light and…

  • What Are the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous NA?

    This step is about having faith in a Higher Power and facing reality. Once the meeting has begun, a person will open with a moment of silence as well as a recitation of the ‘we’ version of the Serenity Prayer. Afterward, the speaker will ask for first-timers and you may be asked to introduce yourself…

  • Bruce Willis: I was on the wagon, but I drink wine now

    ‘Die Hard’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’ actor Bruce Willis ends his acting career after being diagnosed with aphasia, his family announces. He added that although research about frontotemporal dementia is ongoing, much more needs to be done to better understand the disease and to raise public awareness. is mary jane a drug His family announced last…