Sobriety and Recovery: Success Stories of Public Figures

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As soon as I drank, I became a different person. That, to me, was freedom – but it later became prison. Maybe the most striking part of Patrick’s personality is his acute self-awareness.

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Alcohol & Romantic Relationships: Reflections & Advice from Oar’s Ambassadors

Don describes feeling as though he has finally seen the light and he now feels strong in his recovery. In challenging times, Don turns to prayer and meditation to keep his emotions in check. Don feels that he relapsed because his spirituality was missing. Don initially rejected the concept of a higher power.

sobriety success stories

Real-Life Addiction Recovery Success Stories: Inspiring Journeys to Sobriety

  • There’s little more challenging than fighting cravings for drugs or alcohol while you’re clinging to sobriety.
  • You’ll see clearly that addiction doesn’t discriminate, and that anyone can become addicted.
  • Everything that I believed in, everything that I was about, and my perception on life had to change.

These stories of overcoming addiction detail the lives of everyday Americans with very unique journeys of recovery. You’ll see clearly that addiction doesn’t discriminate, and that anyone can become addicted. The last thing Laura McKowen wanted to be was sober. Shortly after accepting she had a problem with alcohol, she thought a lot about how some people are lucky enough to be able to drink normally without it controlling their life.

sobriety success stories

Forecasts for Q2 GDP Report Show a Healthy but Slowing Economy

And, I was and still am a believer in the adage, If you’re asking yourself if your drinking is problematic, then, at the very least, drinking is probably not serving you. And, if you’re scared shitless that your life won’t make sense if you stop drinking, find a friend to take you to a meeting and/or reach out to a mental health professional. I can share my experience as much as I want, but it’s not normalized. And I think that’s what putting something out in the media does.

How long after quitting drinking do you feel better?

sobriety success stories

After about 2.5 years of using these methods followed by an emotional bottom and the termination of a long-term relationship, I went to an AA meeting around the corner from my apartment. This was a popular meeting hall I learned about during my time at Valley Hope. I have stayed sober sobriety success stories since attending that meeting. It became my homegroup, and I’m still friends with many people from that meeting hall today. My name is Laura T, and I hung my cup at Valley Hope in November of 2005 at the young age of 21. I sort of followed my discharge plan, but not completely.

  • Pop sensation Demi Lovato has been open about her struggles with addiction and mental health.
  • I couldn’t wait for the workday to end so I could get to my car and have a good dose of alcohol from the bottle under the seat.
  • It required honesty, openness, and consistency in my behavior.
  • The drug testing lasted 6 months, and Laura remained sober throughout.
  • Her drinking only took off once she got to college, where she forged a new identity as a self-proclaimed “cool party girl.” For a while, she believed she was responsible enough.
  • By this time I had been sober for three weeks and I had made plans to go for a five-day inpatient evaluation approved by the PHS director.

The Michael Palmer, MD Medical Student Health Lecture Series

sobriety success stories

Q: What is the first step towards getting sober?

  • Sarah’s story exemplifies the strength and resilience found in addiction recovery success stories.
  • Alcohol easily and quickly replaced the marijuana as I began residency.
  • Sobriety isn’t even a “have to”—it’s a superpower.
  • That’s also what these people are trying to do.
  • There are countless anecdotes where individuals realized they couldn’t drink moderately.


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